This blog is all about entertainment where we share valuable contents in the form of Jokes to bring laughter on your faces.

There are lot of benefits of it i.e.:
1. Laughter makes your energy high.
2. You forget all you troubles.
3. You immune system starts working well.
4. Blood pressure comes in control.
5. Mind and heart, both get the new energy.
6. Positive energy spreads allover.
7. Many many unknown diseases fly away.
8. You come closer to your dear ones.
9. Good memories take place.
10. You become like-able person.
Above are few benefits because the list is endless. On this blog, we share different categories o jokes like Short jokes, Funny Jokes, Knock Knock Jokes, Funny Quotes, Jokes for Kids, Couples Jokes, Clean Jokes, Decent Jokes and much more.
With above variety, readers get opportunities to explore the jokes as per their moods or as per demand of ambiance. Some people are self dependent and they have many funny stories to be shared at moment. These people are so blessed because they have capability to make anyone laugh.
Making people laugh is important because:
A. It is noble cause and you get lot of blessing.
B. It is easy to make anyone anger or cry, but making someone happy is tough job.
C. You are missed everywhere.
D. People give your example.
E. Boredom kills.
F. Best Medicine and it is FREE!
Nowadays, lot of laughter and comedy shows are aired because in this stressful life, everyone needs a break so with use of Jokes and puns, it happens. These kind of people are always in demand.
We would like state again that: LIFE is:
1. Life is Small, Live it.
2. Our journey is too short to keep revenge in you.
3. Anger and loneliness kills your inside.
4. At the end, your presence will be missed.
We are sure that you will learn the lesson and enjoy on our jokes site. Do share and spread the humor.
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