Very Funny Jokes for stress-free laughter

Festive season is ON and we have got the reason to make to laugh with our new collection of very funny jokes so read, share, enjoy. Laugh to live your present life.. Cheers!

funny jokes top 10

More than million copies  sold just in 2 day due to one word typo error...
"An Idea Can Change Your Wife..."

funny jokes invented when he wrote the word wrong

funny neighbor jokes

funny doctor joke

I wonder why Santa is always a Male
Simple.. because woman never wears the same dress every year!!yoohooo

funny Tie joke

My promised goal for new year 2018 is to complete the goals of 2017 which I should have done in 2016 because I promised them in 2015 and they were originally planned in 2014,,
Good luck to me,,,

Boy to girl: I love a girl but afraid to tell her..
Girl: Come one. it is easy. Try on me.
Boy: I Love You darling..
Girl: Yes, now go and tell her.
Boy: I already did..

History is proof is that whenever new year came - it could not stay live more than 1 YEAR..

I've got an idea that I gonna order pizza just 5 minute before new year and when they will deliver, I will claim free pizza as I ordered last year..!!

Hey Bro.. where we gonna sit on 31st..?

What do you call a old snowman?

I will bring bride like a moon..
AND she will show you stars in daytime..

Oh Shit...
I don't have new year eve plan.. YET

My New Year Resolution:
I need to be more awesome than last year!

Math! The only place where you buy 88 watermelon and no one wonders 'WHY'...

Best Joke Ever "A boy said - Trust Me"

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